Saturday, July 31, 2010


Courtesy of:
Advanced Wellness in Marlboro, New Jersey

101 Great Ways to Improve Your HealthMental Attitude: Too much stress may lead to major depression! Chronic stress leads to elevated hormones such as cortisol, the "stress hormone," and reduced serotonin and dopamine levels. At proper levels, these hormones regulate sleep, appetite, energy and sex drive, and allow expression of normal moods and emotions. When the stress response fails to shut off and bring these hormones to normal levels, it can lead to depression in susceptible people.
Karen Bruno, June 2010

Health Alert: Alarming Hours For Physicians! Resident physicians averaging five or fewer hours of sleep per night were 1.5 times more likely to commit errors. Hours for resident physicians must be limited to 16 consecutive hours and 80 hours per week, with at least one 24-hour off-duty period per 7-day period, without averaging. Everyone becomes impaired after sufficient lack of sleep. Sleep loss impairs brain function, concentration and coordination, and increases the risk of error. 24 hours without sleep slows average reaction time 100%, leading to impairment similar to alcohol intoxication.
American Academy of Sleep Medicine, June 2010

Diet: Brown Rice vs. White Rice. 70% of rice eaten in the US is white. Two or more servings of brown rice weekly lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes by 11%. Five or more servings of white rice weekly increases the risk by 17%. Replacing white rice with brown rice lowers the risk by 16% overall. Replacing white rice with whole grains (barley and wheat) reduces the risk by 36%.
Archives of Internal Medicine, June 2010

Exercise: Stretching Exercises At Your Desk For Your Upper Body. Sit up tall in your chair, or stand up. Stretch your arms overhead and interlock your fingers. Turn the palms to the ceiling as you lift your chin up, tilt your head back and gaze up at the ceiling, too. Inhale, exhale, release.

Chiropractic: Revitalize With Chiropractic. Chiropractic allows for proper blood flow throughout your body, which in turn delivers nutrients to all your cells. As cells slough off and die (think skin cells), new ones constantly replace them. This is good news as 10-50 trillion cells are replaced in your body every day.
Gray’s Anatomy

Wellness/Prevention: Good News For Tea Drinkers! Consumption of the equivalent of 2.5 cups (or more) of tea per day was associated with a 60% drop in rectal cancer risk, as compared to women who drank less than 1.2 cups of tea per day. Women who drank 1.2-2.5 cups of tea per day had a 52% reduction in the risk of rectal cancer.
Epidemiology, July 2003

Quote: “I am always doing what I can’t do, in order that I may learn how to do it.” ~ Pablo Picasso

Monday, July 19, 2010

Health Update: Chronic Whiplash

“The Only Proven Effective Treatment” for Chronic Whiplash?

101 Great Ways to Improve Your HealthYou may have wondered, “If I get hurt in a car accident, who should I go to for treatment of my whiplash problem?” This can be quite a challenge as you have many choices available in the healthcare system ranging from drug-related approaches from anti-inflammatory over-the-counter types all the way to potentially addicting narcotic medications. On the other side of the fence, there are nutritional based products such as vitamins and herbs as well as “alternative” or “complementary” forms of treatment such as chiropractic, exercise, and meditation, with many others in between. Trying to figure out which approach or perhaps combined approaches would best serve your needs is truly challenging. To help answer this question, one study reported the superiority of chiropractic management for patients with chronic whiplash, as well as which type of chronic whiplash patients responded best to the care. The research paper begins with the comment from a leading orthopedic medical journal stating, “Conventional [meaning medical] treatment of patients with whiplash symptoms is disappointing.”

In the study, 93 patients were divided into three groups consisting of:

Group 1: Patients with a “coat-hanger” pain distribution (neck and upper shoulders) and loss of neck range of motion (ROM), but no neurological deficits;
Group 2: Patients with neurological problems (arm/hand numbness and/or weakness) plus neck pain and ROM loss); and,
Group 3: Patients who reported severe neck pain but had normal neck ROM and no neurological losses.

The average time from injury to first treatment was 12 months and an average of 19 treatments over a 4 month time frame was utilized. The patients were graded on a 4-point scale that described their symptoms before and after treatment.

Grade A patients were pain free;
Grade B patients reported their pain as a “nuisance;”
Grade C patients had partial activity limitations due to pain; and
Grade D patients were disabled.

Here are the results:

Group 1: 72% reported improvement as follows: 24% were asymptomatic, 24% improved by 2 grades, 24% by 1 grade, and 28% reported no improvement.
Group 2: 94% reported improvement as follows: 38% were asymptomatic, 43% improved by 2 grades, 13% by 1 grade, and 6% had no improvement.
Group 3: 27% reported improvement as follows: 0% were asymptomatic, 9% improved by 2 grades, 18% by 1 grade, 64% showed no improvement, and 9% got worse.

This study is very important as it illustrates how effective chiropractic care is for patients who have sustained a motor vehicle crash with a resulting whiplash injury. It’s important to note the type of patient presentation that responded best to care had neurological complaints and associated abnormal neck range of motion. This differs from other non-chiropractic studies where it is reported that patients with neurological dysfunction responded poorly when compared to a group similar to the Group A patient here (neck/shoulder pain, reduced neck ROM, and with normal neurological function). We realize you have a choice in where you go for your health care needs and we truly appreciate your consideration in allowing us to help you through this potentially difficult process.


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Courtesy of:
Advanced Wellness in Marlboro, New Jersey

101 Great Ways to Improve Your HealthMental Attitude: Alcohol and Depression. One third of people with major depression also have an alcohol problem. In many cases, depression may be the first to occur. Children who are depressed are more prone to develop alcohol problems once they reach adolescence. Teens who've had an episode of major depression are twice as likely start drinking alcohol than those who have not had an episode of major depression. Depression may be a particularly significant trigger for alcohol use in women as women are more than twice as likely to start drinking heavily if they have a history of depression.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

Health Alert: Calcium And Risk Of Osteoporosis And Hypertension In Postmenopausal Women. Postmenopausal women who have a low calcium intake show a higher risk of developing both osteoporosis and hypertension than those who consume higher levels of calcium.
European League Against Rheumatism, June 2010

Diet: Mayonnaise Alternatives. A 1/4 cup serving of Mayonnaise can include up 360 calories and 40 grams of fat. Try using a lower-calorie condiment instead (mustard, BBQ sauce, salsa chili or taco sauce) or switch to a light mayonnaise (35 calories and 3.5 grams of fat per tablespoon) or pare down the portion of real mayonnaise to a couple of teaspoons (60 calories and 6.7 grams of fat). Elaine Magee, MPH, RD Exercise: Ride Your Bike! Exercise is important for older adults. It keeps you strong, burns calories, helps maintain a lower weight, improves flexibility, contributes to balance and maintains bone strength. The best exercise builds lean muscle and promotes endurance, flexibility and maintains stability. Exercise declines with age, yet cyclists show a smaller decline than those involved in gym activities. Cycling is safe, with fewer risks of more strenuous exercises.
To Your Health, July 2009

Chiropractic: Circulate Your Blood! Your body has 60,000 miles of blood vessels! Adjustments help maintain your flexibility and joint mobility, which in turn allows for better blood flow. Blood flow is important as it delivers vital nutrients (oxygen, water and food) to all of your cells.

Wellness/Prevention: Tea's Role In Oral Health. Flavonoids in tea may inhibit the plaque-forming ability of oral bacteria and the fluoride in tea may support healthy tooth enamel. In a study, hamsters were fed water with Black Tea extract developed up to 63.7% fewer dental caries (also known as tooth decay or cavity) than hamsters fed just water.
Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, 2000
International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2003

Quote: “Holding on to anger is like holding on to a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” ~ Buddha

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Health Update: Headaches

Headaches: Causes and Treatment

101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health       Few conditions leave their victims as miserable and agitated as headaches.  There are many causes of headaches including stress, odors, bright lights, noise, fatigue, certain foods, hormonal shifts, allergies, as well as genetic predisposition.  With all the possible causes of headaches, it’s not surprising many people seek help from many different approaches such as conventional medical therapies like pharmaceuticals and injections.  Others prefer a non-drug treatment approach such as chiropractic, massage therapy, acupuncture, and nutritional counseling.

Usually, there is not one specific cause of headaches so treatment can focus on various areas.  For example, muscles that attach to the base of the skull in the neck and upper back are often very short and tight, resulting in pressure or a squeezing effect on the surrounding nerves and blood vessels -- resulting in headaches.  Chiropractic treatment includes methods aimed at reducing the tightness found in the joints and muscles. One of these approaches is called spinal manipulation or “adjustments” where the joints in the neck are moved to restore motion and reduce joint fixations. By relaxing the muscles and tension between the joints, the nerves in the neck are less pressured which, in turn, can reduce headaches.  The top three nerves that exit the upper neck travel into the head and are often the culprit behind the onset of headaches.  The second nerve from the top is the one responsible for causing radiating pain over the top of the skull which communicates with other nerves sometimes causing the pain behind the eye.

Another chiropractic approach in the management of headaches includes soft tissue therapy where trigger points found in tight muscles are addressed through various forms of massage and mobilization methods.  Manual traction of the head and neck can also be highly effective in reducing the tension found in headache sufferers.  Exercises are often taught to the headache patient with significant benefits reported.  Some of these, such as range of motion exercises with and without resistance (example: pushing your head into your hand during neck movements) and posture re-training (chin tucks – reducing the forward head position), help address the limited motion problems of the neck. Cervical (neck) traction performed by placing a rolled up towel placed behind the neck while lying on the back so that the head can hang off the side of the bed can also be very helpful.  Another neck traction approach is the use of a unit that hangs off a door where water is placed in a plastic bag calibrated for weight for 15 minutes at a maximum tolerated weight. This can be of great benefit as it can be performed at home at your convenience multiple times a day or, as needed.

Other treatment approaches that chiropractic utilizes include stress management (such as biofeedback, relaxation instructions, meditation, visualization and others), diet modifications (as certain foods can trigger headaches), nutritional supplementation (such as fish oil, Vit. D, feverfew and others), and sleep restoration.

If you, a family member or a friend require care, we sincerely appreciate the trust and confidence shown by choosing our service.  We are proud that chiropractic care has consistently scored the highest level of satisfaction when compared to other forms of health care provision and we look forward in serving you and your family presently and in the future.



Courtesy of:
Advanced Wellness in Marlboro, New Jersey

101 Great Ways to Improve Your HealthMental Attitude: Multivitamins Can Add Sparkle. Non-elderly adults who took multivitamins and minerals had significantly improved mental health, reduced subjective stress and increased 'vigor', with a strong trend towards an overall improvement in mood. According to David Kennedy, PhD of Northumbria University, "There is a wealth of evidence that suggests a relationship between micro-nutrients and psychological functioning. Vitamin C, for example, is the brain's most prevalent antioxidant and is found at its greatest concentrations in neuron-rich areas."
Northumbria University, May 2010

Health Alert: Got Health Insurance? Many non-elderly adults in the US lack health insurance. 20% of men ages 18-64 (21.2 million) are uninsured, compared with 17.2 million women in the same age group. Those most likely to lack health insurance are younger, unmarried men. Men are less likely to have health insurance than women at every age range. Married men lack health insurance in greater numbers than married women before the age of 65, with 18.4% of married men from the age of 26-34 lacking insurance.
Center for Economic and Policy Research, Institute for Women's Policy Research, June 2010

Diet: Cheese Found To Improve The Immune Response Of The Elderly. Cheese can help preserve and enhance the immune system of the elderly persons by acting as a carrier of probiotic bacteria. Daily intake of probiotic cheese can slow the age-related deterioration of the immune system known as immunosenescene. This deterioration means the body is unable to kill tumor cells and reduces the immune response to infections. Infectious diseases, chronic inflammation disorders and cancer are hallmarks of immunosenescene.
FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology, May 2010

Exercise: Stretching Exercises At Your Desk For The Shoulders And Upper Back. Extend one arm out straight in front of you. Grab the elbow of the outstretched arm and pull it across your chest, stretching your shoulder and upper back muscles. Hold. Release. Stretch out the other arm in front of you -- repeat.

Chiropractic: How Important Is An Adjustment? “90% of the stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by the movement of the spine” 
~ Dr. Roger Sperry (Nobel Prize, Brain Research, 1981)

Wellness/Prevention: The Fear Of Falling. One in four people over age 70 suffer from gait disturbance. Gait disturbance is defined as unsteadiness during walking that is worse than the normal slowing of old age. Fear is often a precipitating or aggravating factor. A vicious cycle often arises in which fear of falling leads to avoidance of movement. This can result in reduced fitness, lower confidence in one's own balance, increased fear, and increased danger of a fall. Depression and a markedly impaired quality of life can result.
Deutsches Aerzteblatt International, May 2010

Quote: "No Illness which can be treated by diet should be treated by any other means."
~ Moses Maimonides (1135-1204)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Health Update: Headaches

Courtesy of:
Advanced Wellness in Marlboro, New Jersey

Headaches: Causes and Treatment

101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health
Few conditions leave their victims as miserable and agitated as headaches.  There are many causes of headaches including stress, odors, bright lights, noise, fatigue, certain foods, hormonal shifts, allergies, as well as genetic predisposition.  With all the possible causes of headaches, it’s not surprising many people seek help from many different approaches such as conventional medical therapies like pharmaceuticals and injections.  Others prefer a non-drug treatment approach such as chiropractic, massage therapy, acupuncture, and nutritional counseling.

Usually, there is not one specific cause of headaches so treatment can focus on various areas.  For example, muscles that attach to the base of the skull in the neck and upper back are often very short and tight, resulting in pressure or a squeezing effect on the surrounding nerves and blood vessels -- resulting in headaches.  Chiropractic treatment includes methods aimed at reducing the tightness found in the joints and muscles. One of these approaches is called spinal manipulation or “adjustments” where the joints in the neck are moved to restore motion and reduce joint fixations. By relaxing the muscles and tension between the joints, the nerves in the neck are less pressured which, in turn, can reduce headaches.  The top three nerves that exit the upper neck travel into the head and are often the culprit behind the onset of headaches.  The second nerve from the top is the one responsible for causing radiating pain over the top of the skull which communicates with other nerves sometimes causing the pain behind the eye.

Another chiropractic approach in the management of headaches includes soft tissue therapy where trigger points found in tight muscles are addressed through various forms of massage and mobilization methods.  Manual traction of the head and neck can also be highly effective in reducing the tension found in headache sufferers.  Exercises are often taught to the headache patient with significant benefits reported.  Some of these, such as range of motion exercises with and without resistance (example: pushing your head into your hand during neck movements) and posture re-training (chin tucks – reducing the forward head position), help address the limited motion problems of the neck. Cervical (neck) traction performed by placing a rolled up towel placed behind the neck while lying on the back so that the head can hang off the side of the bed can also be very helpful.  Another neck traction approach is the use of a unit that hangs off a door where water is placed in a plastic bag calibrated for weight for 15 minutes at a maximum tolerated weight. This can be of great benefit as it can be performed at home at your convenience multiple times a day or, as needed.

Other treatment approaches that chiropractic utilizes include stress management (such as biofeedback, relaxation instructions, meditation, visualization and others), diet modifications (as certain foods can trigger headaches), nutritional supplementation (such as fish oil, Vit. D, feverfew and others), and sleep restoration.

If you, a family member or a friend require care, we sincerely appreciate the trust and confidence shown by choosing our service.  We are proud that chiropractic care has consistently scored the highest level of satisfaction when compared to other forms of health care provision and we look forward in serving you and your family presently and in the future.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Courtesy of:
Advanced Wellness in Marlboro, New Jersey

101 Great Ways to Improve Your HealthMental Attitude: Exercise May Ward Off Anger. Before and after 30 minutes of moderate-intensity cycling, male participants viewed a slideshow known to evoke anger mixed with images designed to induce fear, pleasantness or no emotions. After exercising, watching the pictures didn't make the men more angry, while after rest, the pictures did so. An exercise class or weight lifting can take your mind off things. The distraction offered by exercise can have a calming effect, as well.
Michael R. Bracko, EdD

Health Alert: Are School Wellness Policies Implemented? The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 requires all school districts have a Wellness Policy if they participate in federally funded school meal programs. Part of the Wellness Policy should include nutrition education activities. 58% of the teachers thought they did not have adequate classroom time to include nutrition competencies. 64% thought they had the skills to incorporate the wellness policy, but only 30% are including nutrition competencies into their lesson plans.
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, July/August 2010

Diet: Special Delivery. Eating high-fiber foods ensures timely digestion and elimination of wastes (whereas overconsumption of animal fats and low-fiber foods leads to colonic inactivity and constipation). Foods high in saturated fat also can contribute to plaque buildup in the arteries, reducing the ability of blood to move through the body and potentially causing a blockage - leading to a heart attack or stroke.
Peter W. Crownfield, To Your Health

Exercise:  Stretching Exercises At Your Desk For Your Back And Shoulders (The "Leg Hug"). Sit on the edge of your chair. Put your feet together, flat on the floor. Lean over, chest to knees, letting your arms dangle loosely to the floor. Release your neck. Now bring your hands behind your legs, right hand grasping left wrist, forearm, left hand grasping the right. Feel the stretch in your back, shoulders and neck. Hold. Release your hands to the floor again. Repeat three times or as often as it feels good.

Chiropractic:  Brain Energy Output. 90% of the energy output of the brain is used in relating the physical body to gravity. Only 10% has to do with thinking, metabolism and healing, so when you have forward head posture your brain will rob energy from your thinking, metabolism and immune function to deal with abnormal gravity/posture relationships and processing.
Dr. Roger Sperry (Nobel Prize, Brain Research, 1981)

Wellness/Prevention: Keep Breathing! How important is oxygen and lung capacity? The surface area of a human lung is equal to a tennis court. Unfortunately, without exercising your lungs (slow deep breathing -- 5 to 10 deep breaths every hour and exercise), your lung capacity will shrink as you age.

Quote: “Oh, the powers of nature! She knows what we need.” ~ Benvenuto Cellini

Health Update: Low Back Pain

What Can I Do To Reduce My Risk For Low Back Pain?

101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health Low back pain (LBP) can have many causes such as genetics, acquired abuses, body type (especially obesity – body mass index or BMI greater than 30), gender, as well as cultural aspects that predispose one to acquire low back trouble.  So, the question remains, “what can I do to reduce my risk for developing low back pain?”

The answer, like the cause is – you guessed it – multifactorial.  Since we can’t change our genetics, we’ll have to accept that one.  But, we can change our BMI by keeping our weight to a reasonable amount.  In an April 2010 study from Norway, 60,000 men and women provided BMI information and 20.9% of the men and 26.3% of the women indicated they had chronic low back pain. The authors found a direct relationship to a high BMI and an increased prevalence of LBP.  Similar results attributing obesity to LBP were also reported in a meta-analysis published in January 2010 in the American Journal of Epidemiology (2010; 171(2):135-154).

So, what is, “…a reasonable amount of weight?”  When using the BMI, a BMI of 18.5 to 25 is considered “normal,” while 25-30 is described as overweight and greater than 30 represents obesity.  We should also mention anything LESS than 18.5 is considered underweight and that’s not good either as many nutritional needs of the body are compromised and too little weight can negatively affect bone health leading to osteoporosis and a myriad of other problematic health issues.

You may be wondering what a body mass index or BMI is, as its quite important and is quickly gaining respect in the medical world.  In fact, it has been suggested to include the BMI along with the other “vital signs” pairing it up with blood pressure (BP), pulse, breathing rate, height, weight, and temperature.  The BMI is a formula of height and weight and it’s a rough calculation of our total body fat, which is related to the risk of disease and death.  However, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) it’s a little more complicated than that as people with greater muscle mass (such as a body builder) will have a higher BMI, suggesting they are overweight. At the other end of the spectrum, older individuals who have lost muscle mass may be still be overweight but their BMI will not reflect that.

The NHLBI reports 3 factors of importance when defining obesity and its many negative health effects, including the increased prevalence of LBP.  The 3 factors are: 1) The BMI; 2) The waist measurement; 3) The presence of other negative health factors including: high BP, high LDL-cholesterol, low HDL-cholesterol, high triglycerides, high blood sugar, a family history of heart disease, physical inactivity and smoking cigarettes.  If you have a waist size greater than 35” for woman, greater than 40” for men, AND 2 or more risk factors, simply put, you MUST lose weight!  Even a small weight loss of 10% (such as 30# if you’re 300#), will help lower your risk of developing diseases associated with obesity such as heart disease, high cholesterol related diseases, stroke, certain types of cancers and type 2 diabetes.

We also realize you have a choice in who you choose for your healthcare services.  If you, a friend or family member requires care for low back pain, we sincerely appreciate the trust and confidence shown by choosing our services and look forward in serving you and your family presently and, in the future.